The Community Resource for All Things Poetry
Magma, is a London-based poetry magazine, publishing work on and about poetry. It is known for appointing a different editor for each new issue.
Magma 93 will be edited by Isabelle Baafi, Sohini Basak and Tim Tim Cheng. Its thematic focus will be on “Liberation”.
The issue will explore personal and political forms of liberation: liberation as protest and emancipation; as authenticity and self-actualisation; as holding on or letting go; as moving past, moving through, moving towards.
We encourage you to imagine as widely as possible, and to write with honesty and abandon. What does ‘liberation’ mean to you? What does it look like? How do we know when we have it? Are we ever truly free?
Submissions may respond to one or several of the current humanitarian crises happening around the world: the structures of domination that terrorise populations in occupied regions, and/or the forms of disenfranchisement oppressing communities worldwide.
We welcome poems that have not been previously published, either in print or online.
Poems may be sent online via Submittable, or by post if you live in the UK or Ireland, to: Magma 93 Submissions, 23 Pine Walk, Carshalton, SM5 4ES.
Postal submissions are accepted from the UK and Ireland only. Postal submissions are not acknowledged until a decision is made.
We accept simultaneous submissions, but please withdraw your submission or contact us if it is accepted for publication somewhere else first.