The Community Resource for All Things Poetry
Moss Puppy Magazine is an independent literary and visual arts magazine founded in July 2021 by Melissa Martini. We publish biannual themed issues in the Spring and Autumn.
Our goal as a literary magazine is to feature and share literature and artwork that defies norms, challenges conventions, and embraces the unsettlingly beautiful and oddly innovative.
We are committed to supporting emerging writers and artists by providing a nurturing space that fosters creativity, community, and amplifies diverse and marginalized voices.
For our eighth issue, we journey into the golden and bittersweet theme of “Amberfields.” We are seeking prose, poetry, and visual artworks that capture the warmth and nostalgia of fields bathed in amber light, as well as the longing, transience, and beauty that lie beneath their glow. We invite you to interpret this theme both literally and abstractly: imagine the sun-drenched haze of wheat fields, the golden hues of autumn leaves, or the glimmer of amber resin preserving memories of the past. Consider the contrast of fleeting seasons, the interplay of light and shadow, or the landscapes of memory and imagination.