The Community Resource for All Things Poetry
Join award-winning poet Kandace Siobhan Walker for an exciting online workshop on the intersection of poetry and digital technology. In this workshop, you’ll write poems which explore how the internet shapes language, identity, and creativity.
Through guided writing exercises and discussion, you’ll experiment with new ways to capture the digital experience in your work, whether that’s the surreal humour of a viral tweet or the nostalgia of an outdated webpage.
Kandace Siobhan Walker is a writer and artist. She is the author of Kaleido (Bad Betty Press, 2022) and Cowboy (CHEERIO, 2023), which won a Wales Book of the Year Award. In 2019, she was the winner of the Guardian 4th Estate BAME Short Story Prize. In 2021, she won an Eric Gregory Award and The White Review Poet’s Prize. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Poetry, Basket and Prairie Schooner, among others.
This workshop takes place online on Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to you 24 hours in advance of the workshop. Suitable for all levels of writer.