The Community Resource for All Things Poetry
Come to « PINK PONY HUB » — a reading & horse cultural symposium happening @_mfbooks from 7pm – 10pm Feb. 28th.
Don’t say, «neigh.» Say, «Oui.»
Maya Uppal @mayalikethemonth is a poet working in London/Glasgow. They are interested in hybrid poetics and critical fabulation. Their writing can be found in Prototype 06, David Dale Gallery, and Spam amongst others.
Carl Gent @fashion_vacuum is an artist and writer from Bexhill-on-sea. Felon Herb, an iteration of her ongoing manufacture of absinthe as art, was published by Kelder Press in 2022, and in 2021 All Us Girls Have Been Dead for So Long, the script to their climate-apocalypse musical extravaganza co-produced with Linda Stupart, was published by Arcadia Missa. The Balls of Alban, her pamphlet seeking to refictionalise the life of Cynethryth, eighth-century Queen of Mercia, was published by Monitor Books. They are currently working on some mezzotints of gay animals.
Jordan/_ Hell is an artist, archivist, writer, & scholar. They are the author of CONSTANT VIOLINS (Arcadia Missa, UK), AUTOLINGO DIDACTICA (Monitor Books, UK), & others. They have a forthcoming pamphlet called ‘LOVING WOMEN: LE PONEY’ from Sticky Fingers (UK).
Francis Whorrall-Campbell @francis_w_c is an artist, writer and sometimes critic from the UK. Their exhibition ‘A Picture of a Horse is Not a Critique of a Horse’ is currently open at Bologna. cc in Amsterdam. In 2024, he was a Laureate of the Principal Residency Programme at La Becque, Switzerland. They are currently writing a serialised novella about Kurt Cobain, Twink Death, and the Trans Internet – some of which you might hear at this reading.