The Community Resource for All Things Poetry
The Poetry Experiment turns 2!!
To celebrate, this is a special event with a select group of featured readers @jordanaan19 @danieltlnd @mikeyuill followed by the usual open mic.
Hosted by queer Glaswegian poet Ross Wilcock, The Poetry Experiment is a monthly poetry and storytelling open mic for writers and performers of all stages of the craft.
The event is an inclusive, safe space for everyone to express themselves and share their work. Featuring special guests and collaborations with Scottish arts organisations, The Poetry Experiment is the new place for poets and writers! Bring yourself, bring your pals and enjoy a cosy night of performances on the last Wednesday of each month.
Tickets are £5, with half of the proceeds going towards future events.
To read, you have to buy a free performance ticket online. Check for details via the Events page.
Sadly the venue is not fully accessible as toilets are located downstairs. Please come along if you can!
Seating – 30 (first come first served)